Spraying vs. Brushing: Best Methods to Seal a Driveway

choosing right driveway sealant method

One of the most efficient ways of keeping cracks, water damage, and general wear at bay is to seal your driveway. There are different methods to seal a driveway, but two of the most commonly used techniques are spraying and brushing. The right method can be the difference between a longer-lasting seal and a smoother finish.

Both methods have their own benefits, and the most appropriate method depends on the size of the driveway, the sealant type, and the durability needed.

Spraying Method: Quick and Uniform Coverage

Spraying involves the utilization of equipment that is specifically meant to spray sealant in a thin, even mist across the driveway. It’s a common driveway sealing method used by professionals because it’s so efficient, especially for large areas like long driveways or sealing parking lots.

Advantages of Spraying Sealant

  • Covers large areas quickly. Spraying is much quicker than brushing and is a great choice for large driveways or commercial asphalt.
  • Provides a smooth, even finish. Since the sealant is applied in a fine mist, there are no brush marks or unevenness to be seen.
  • Penetrates small cracks and textured surfaces. The liquid spreads into small cracks evenly and seals the surface completely.
  • Uniform coating. The sealant dries in an even coat, which causes it to wear off more evenly over time.

spraying vs brushing driveway sealing

Disadvantages of Spraying Sealant

  • Needs professional equipment. The average homeowner will not have access to the necessary sprayer, making it a more challenging DIY project.
  • Risk of overspray. If not applied carefully, sealant can find its way onto curbs, garage doors, or adjacent landscaping by accident.
  • Requires skill to apply evenly. If not applied correctly, some spots can end up too thick or too thin, leading to uneven wear.

Brushing Method: Thicker Coating and Precise Application

Brushing is the manual application of the ways to seal a driveway using a brush or squeegee. It requires more time and effort but allows more control, especially for small driveways or those areas that have edges to work around.

Advantages of Brushing Sealant

  • More precise application. Brushing allows more control, which makes it easier to work around edges, sidewalks, and other tight spots.
  • Applies a thicker coat. Since the sealant is brushed into the surface, the coating tends to be thicker, which can be an advantage in high-traffic areas.
  • Better for filling cracks. When the driveway is full of small cracks, brushing can push the sealant deeper into them, creating a stronger seal.
  • Better for DIY projects. Brushing is done using everyday tools, making it possible for homeowners to do their own driveway sealant application.

best methods to seal driveway

Disadvantages of Brushing Sealant

  • Slower. Brushing is a slower process than spraying and, therefore, is impractical for large driveways.
  • It can leave streaks or uneven coverage. If not carefully done, brush strokes and uneven thickness may be noticeable.
  • Additional physical work is needed. Brushing a large driveway by hand is tiresome and can take a lot of time.

What are the Best Methods to Seal a Driveway?

Both methods are viable, but the best method to use is relative to the driveway’s condition and size and whether the job is DIY or professional.

Spraying is better if:

  • A smooth, even finish is wanted.
  • The driveway is wide and in fairly good condition.
  • The work is being performed by contractors with proper equipment.

Brushing is preferable if:

  • Accuracy is required for edges and narrow areas.
  • The driveway is cracked or has rough spots requiring additional effort.
  • The sealing is a DIY project without the availability of a sprayer.

Professional Methods to Seal a Driveway for the Best Results

Sealing a driveway can be a do-it-yourself project, but having professionals do it ensures that the job is done right and with high-quality materials. A sealant applied correctly will endure longer, safeguard better, and look more professional.

At Action Paving, we use the spraying method for efficiency and a smooth finish but apply brushing where special attention is needed. We are careful to mask surrounding surfaces and apply an even coat for long-lasting protection.

If your driveway needs sealing, call us for professional consultation and application. A properly sealed driveway will last longer and keep on looking great.

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