The Effects of Cold Weather on Asphalt and How to Prevent Damages

snow covered asphalt driveway

With cold Canadian winter weather right around the corner, it’s no secret that cold weather can harm your asphalt. When water seeps into cracks in the pavement and freezes, it expands and widens the gaps leading to freeze-thaw damage. Freeze-thaw damage is not only unsightly, but it can also lead to more significant problems like potholes, which can cause damage to cars and other property stored on your asphalt driveway or parking lot.

Asphalt Sealing

There are several things that homeowners can do to protect their asphalt driveways and sidewalks from cold weather damage. Contrary to popular belief, asphalt is a product of petroleum, and like all petroleum products, it is susceptible to damage from extreme cold weather. As water seeps into cracks in the pavement and freezes, it expands and widens them from below. This process is called freeze-thaw damage. Freeze-thaw damage is unsightly and can lead to more severe problems like potholes. To prevent freeze-thaw damage, homeowners should seal any cracks in their asphalt as soon as they appear. Asphalt sealing is the best option for protecting your asphalt from the elements like extreme cold or snow as well as ice.

Filling Pre-Existing Cracks and Potholes

Alternatively, another way to prevent damage is by filling any cracks or potholes that are already present in the asphalt. Filling these pre-existing potholes and cracks will prevent water from seeping into the cracks and causing further damage, including freeze-thaw damage as mentioned above. It is recommended to fill cracks with an asphalt crack filler, which can be purchased at most hardware stores. A cold mix of asphalt can also be purchased at most hardware stores to fill potholes. Although, when it comes to asphalt sealing and filling cracks and potholes, it is best to trust a professional when it comes to these types of procedures since they’re experienced. If the sealant is applied incorrectly or if the wrong sealant is used it can lead to a plethora of problems, such as cracks, potholes and other markings being left on your asphalt driveway or parking lot. If you’re looking for asphalt sealing, be sure to contact us today for a free quote.

Clearing Your Asphalt Of Snow And Ice

In addition to sealing potholes and asphalt cracks, homeowners should also be sure to clear snow and ice from their asphalt driveway or parking lot as soon as possible. A snow shovel or snow blower can be used to remove snow, and a deicer can be used to melt ice. De-icers come in both liquid and granular forms; whichever form you choose, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and effective use. Also, be sure to ensure that your gutters are clean and free of debris as well. This will allow water to flow freely away from the foundation of their home, rather than pooling around the edges of the driveway or sidewalk.

Extreme cold weather can harm asphalt, but there are things that homeowners can do to prevent damage. Sealing cracks as soon as they appear and clearing snow and ice promptly are two critical steps that all homeowners should take to protect their investment. If you need help protecting your asphalt from the elements, be sure to call (647) 812-7845 or contact us today. We provide free estimates for both residential and commercial sealing in Toronto and all throughout the GTA. Ensure that your asphalt is Canadian winter-ready and don’t deal with the consequences of a broken driveway or commercial parking lot later.

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